
The Mini-M.B.A. is a five-day program that aims to present a coherent framework of inter-related and inter-dependent concepts essential for in-house counsel positions.


The Mini-M.B.A., the flagship program of the Tricarico Institute, is a five-day, 1-credit program that aims to present a coherent framework of inter-related and inter-dependent concepts and subject matters that comprise how in-house counsel think about, and go about, their jobs. The program will engage and energize students and provide important instruction for them additive to their underlying coursework. The Mini-M.B.A. content will provide vital connective tissue for students to bridge their various semester-long courses and work experiences, and to provide them with a more practical orientation and context in which to apply their ever developing knowledge and skills. While the Mini-M.B.A. does not replace any semester-long courses that provides in-depth coverage of material, it nonetheless will offer inestimable value in its power to help students refine and rationalize what they know, or should know, as they prepare for the job market and to meet client needs from day one.

This course is graded on a pass/fail basis. It will be offered during the May-mester and the January-term.

Recommended for the Following Professional Pathways: Corporate Transactions and Governance; Financial Services and Compliance; Health Care Management and Compliance; International Business; Labor and Employment (Corporate Perspective); Real Estate and Land Use; Tax; Trusts and Estates; Government/Public Sector; Media, Entertainment, Sports, Fashion; Tech/Privacy; General Practice – Transactional

1 Credit


Business and Financial Services

Intellectual Property and Privacy

Government and Public Interest Law

General Practice / Chart Your Path





Graduation Requirements