Working at NYLS

Join our dynamic, friendly team. NYLS is an equal opportunity employer.

Working at NYLS

Join our dynamic, friendly team. NYLS is an equal opportunity employer.

Teaching Positions

July 31, 2024  •  Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Staff Positions

February 10, 2025  •  Associate Director of Clinical and Experiential Learning

January 16, 2025  •  Research Director: Social Sciences

If you wish to be considered for a position, please submit the following:

Here’s how to submit the requested documents for Staff Positions:

  • Download and complete the NYLS employment application.
  • After completing the application, save the form to your computer and email it, along with your cover letter and résumé, to Include your name and the position to which you are applying in the subject line.
  • (If preferred) Mail your employment application, cover letter, and résumé to the following address:

New York Law School
Kitty Montanez
Associate Director
Office of Human Resources
185 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013

Contact Kitty Montanez at 212.431.2131 or for more information on staff vacancies.

The New York Law School Annual Campus Security Report and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off- campus buildings or property owned or controlled by New York Law School and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other important matters.

Office of Human Resources  •  T 212.431.2131  •  E