For Students
All NYLS students are welcome to join the Program.
Those who share a strong interest in ADR; seek to develop their negotiating, drafting, mediating, and arbitrating skills; and wish to explore experiential learning and professional development opportunities in the field are encouraged to apply.
Apply to Join
Students must meet curricular and extracurricular requirements, found in Student Resources on the NYLS Portal.
The Program offers students ADR resources, career opportunities, and competitions available in Student Resources on the NYLS Portal.
Related Courses
Advanced Topics in Dispute Resolution
This seminar course offers the opportunity for intense and robust investigation of discrete issues arising in the course of resolving disputes by means other than the courts.
Dispute Resolution Processes
This course surveys mechanisms currently used instead of courts and federal agencies to resolve conflicts between two or more parties, including Alternative Dispute Resolution systems.
Dispute Resolution Team – E-Board Members
The Dispute Resolution Team is a student-run, co-curricular program that offers members the opportunity to develop their lawyering skills as they represent New York Law School in local, regional, and national competitions.
Dispute Resolution Team – General
Members of this student-run, co-curricular program have the opportunity to develop their lawyering skills as they represent New York Law School in local, regional, and national competitions.
Domestic Arbitration
This intensive five-day course develops the skills needed to represent clients in arbitration proceedings subject to the Federal Arbitration Act and conducted pursuant to the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association.
Independent Study – Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot
New York Law School regularly fields a team to the Wilhem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, held in Vienna, Austria.
International Arbitration
This course introduces the theory and practice of international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration.
Mediation Clinic
Students in this clinic have the opportunity to learn and observe mediation in a classroom as well as conduct mediations.
Mediation: Theory, Practice, and Skills
Students in this course will develop a firm and practical understanding of the principles of mediated negotiation and acquire skills necessary to represent a client’s interest during mediation.
Negotiating, Counseling and Interviewing
This course focuses on the techniques needed to lead clients through negotiated resolutions.
Negotiation: Theory and Practice
This course focuses on negotiation theory, practice, and ethical implications.
Restorative Justice
This course encourages students to think critically about the criminal justice system and the current system of punishment.
Securities Arbitration Field Placement
In this placement, students will learn how to conduct factual and legal analysis, draft pleadings, and represent clients in securities arbitration proceedings before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority under the supervision of experienced attorneys.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Skills Program • T 212.431.2100, ext. 4422 • E