For Students

All NYLS students are welcome to affiliate with the Center for New York City Law. Affiliated students participate in all areas of the Center’s programming.

For Students

All New York Law School students are welcome to affiliate with the Center for New York City Law.

Affiliated students participate in all areas of the Center’s programming—from writing its newsletters to assisting with events focused on governmental and political issues.

The Center assists students in obtaining internships and employment with governmental agencies. Graduate affiliates have been hired with many city agencies, including City Hall, the Law Department, the Mayor’s Office of Contracts, and the Office of Management and Budget.

In addition, each year, the Center appoints two members of the graduating class as CityLaw Fellows. Fellows work full-time at the Center, assisting in the writing and editing of CityLaw and CityLand and becoming deeply involved with New York City government and legal issues.

Apply to Join

All NYLS students are welcome to apply to join the Center as affiliates. Affiliates must meet curricular and extracurricular requirements, found on the Academics section of the NYLS Portal. Students may not join or transfer to the Center during their final semester of law school.

Apply to join the Center.


The Center offers students specialized resources, which can be accessed on the Center for New York City Law section of the NYLS Portal.

Related Courses

These courses are affiliated with the Center and likely to be of interest to affiliated students.

Elections Redistricting and Voting Rights

This course will explore a broad swath of voting rights law. In coverage of reapportionment, redistricting, the census, racial vote dilution, and partisan gerrymandering, students will build on concepts of federal jurisprudence of reapportionment and redistricting, including the core constitutional doctrines, the Voting Rights Act, census issues, and the landmark cases that govern the redistricting process.

Center for New York City Law  •  T 212.431.2115  •  E