The Free to Be Youth Project Legal Clinic (LGBTQ) in partnership with the Free to Be Youth Project (FYP) of the Urban Justice Center is a one-semester clinic open to 2Ls and 3Ls.
Law and Economics
Law and economics is one of the most influential schools of thought in modern law. The ideas propounded by the economic analysis of law are gaining increasing traction in court decisions and in legal policy. This course will examine the major contributions of law and economics in contract, tort, and property, as well as in other areas of law that may not initially appear to be amenable to economic reasoning.
Leveraged Finance
This class will provide an overview of how credit document terms often decide the fate of companies in distress. The course will highlight the principles of contracts, secured transactions, and bankruptcy.
New York City Honors Full-Time Specialized Externship (Gotham Honors)
The Gotham Honors Externship in NYC is a full semester offering and will provide a hands-on complement to conventional courses in public law and related areas. It will connect academic learning and abstract thinking to practice, providing unparalleled lawyering experience in some of the City’s fast-paced, mission-critical agencies and/or firms.
Private Equity Financing Solutions
This simulation course focuses on the development of the key legal knowledge and skills needed to
successfully structure and effectuate acquisition finance solutions in the context of an M&A transaction involving a private equity sponsor seeking to acquire a public company target.
successfully structure and effectuate acquisition finance solutions in the context of an M&A transaction involving a private equity sponsor seeking to acquire a public company target.
The Art of Cross-Examination
This experiential course will teach students the fundamentals of cross-examination and introduce
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
Visual Persuasion in the Law
This upper-level interdisciplinary course explores how new digital technologies are altering how lawyers communicate and argue. The final exam is a take home paper; alternatively, students may elect to collaborate on producing a short law-related film.
Washington, D.C. Honors Full-Time Specialized Externship
The Honors Externship in Washington, D.C. is a full semester placement and will provide a hands-on complement to conventional courses in public law.
Wills and Trusts in Practice
Wills and Trusts in Practice is an experiential course in which students learn the basics of wills and trusts by working through two to three extended simulations.