This class will provide an overview of how credit document terms often decide the fate of companies in distress. The course will highlight the principles of contracts, secured transactions, and bankruptcy.
Mediation: Theory, Practice, and Skills
Students in this course will develop a firm and practical understanding of the principles of mediated negotiation and acquire skills necessary to represent a client’s interest during mediation.
Memo and Brief Writing
This writing and research course is designed for students who are interested in improving their memo and brief writing skills.
Mergers and Acquisitions
This course considers the substance, form, and mechanics of corporate mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations.
Mindful Lawyering
This course introduces students to the practice of mindfulness in the legal profession and will offer techniques for incorporating mindfulness principles in practice.
The Mini-M.B.A. is a five-day program that aims to present a coherent framework of inter-related and inter-dependent concepts essential for in-house counsel positions.
Organized and White Collar Crime
This course focuses on the investigation, prosecution, and defense of today’s organized and white-collar criminal cases.
Post-Data Breach Litigation and Counseling
This course gives students the opportunity to experience the pre-trial steps that occur in the event of a data breach.
Private Equity Financing Solutions
This simulation course focuses on the development of the key legal knowledge and skills needed to
successfully structure and effectuate acquisition finance solutions in the context of an M&A transaction involving a private equity sponsor seeking to acquire a public company target.
successfully structure and effectuate acquisition finance solutions in the context of an M&A transaction involving a private equity sponsor seeking to acquire a public company target.
Regulation of Broker-Dealer and Future Commission Merchants
In this seminar course, students examine federal and state laws and regulations impacting securities and futures brokerage firms.