Members of this student-run, co-curricular program have the opportunity to develop their lawyering skills as they represent New York Law School in local, regional, and national competitions.
Domestic Arbitration
This intensive five-day course develops the skills needed to represent clients in arbitration proceedings subject to the Federal Arbitration Act and conducted pursuant to the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association.
Drafting: Contracts
This course teaches students the skills needed to draft contracts that effectuate clients’ needs and anticipate potential legal problems.
Drafting: Corporate Documents
This course teaches the skills needed to draft corporate contracts and documents that effectuate clients’ needs and anticipate potential legal problems.
Drafting: General Principles
Since the skills involved in writing clear, precise legal drafting are transferable from one document to another, this course teaches students the general principles of legal drafting rather than the techniques of drafting specialized documents.
Drafting: Labor and Employment Transactions
This writing and research course teaches the skills needed to draft transactional documents in the context of labor and employment legal practice.
Editing Legal Writing
This course teaches the necessary skills to edit legal writing and create a final product that is clear, precise, and effective.
Employee Benefits Law
This course explores the legal milieu and public policy aspects of non-cash compensation arrangements for employees through statutory analysis in light of rapidly developing case and administrative law.
European Union Business Law
This project-based learning course focuses on a major transaction that recently occurred in the European Union that resulted in antitrust litigation.
Fashion Law and Technology
This course explores the interplay between emerging technologies in the fashion arena and the law, covering all forms of existing wearable tech as well as recent technological advances in the fashion industry.