This course will examine the legal classification and laws protecting nonhuman animals, as well as a number of topics that fall within the general heading “animal law.”
Art Law
This is a survey course on the law, policy, and theory of the business of art that also explores real-world art negotiations through in-class simulations.
Asian Americans and the Law
The objectives of the course are to examine the legal history of people of Asian descent in the United States; to understand the prominent role that Asian Americans have played in the nation’s legal and political history; and to understand the perceptions and experiences of Asian Americans in contemporary society.
Business Basics for Lawyers
This course will provide students with an understanding of fundamental business topics such as accounting and financial reporting, investments and the financial markets, and an overview of macro-economic principles.
Business Planning: Start-Up Business and Venture Capital
This course combines theory and practice to introduce students to the various legal and business considerations involved in forming and operating an emerging growth business, or start-up company.
Cannabis Law
This upper-level substantive course focuses on the federal and state laws that regulate cannabis in the United States.
Children and Family Law in New York
This seminar course will provide students with an overview of children’s and family law issues in New York, including the structure of the Family Court system, child welfare, juvenile justice, education, domestic violence advocacy, mental health, and matrimonial law.
Commercial Leasing Law
This course is an advanced doctrinal course that focuses on all aspects of commercial leasing with some practice-based exercises for students interested in real estate focused professions.
Community Public Legal Education
In this course, students will teach classes in a community setting for individuals experiencing homelessness many of whom identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community (Ali Forney Center
and/or Streetworks).
and/or Streetworks).
Compliance Within Financial Services Companies
This course teaches students about the compliance function within a financial services organization, the regulatory scheme applicable to broker dealers, banks, and investment advisers as well as the various compliance positions, and more.