This course examines the relationship between the landlord and the tenant.
Law and Economics
Law and economics is one of the most influential schools of thought in modern law. The ideas propounded by the economic analysis of law are gaining increasing traction in court decisions and in legal policy. This course will examine the major contributions of law and economics in contract, tort, and property, as well as in other areas of law that may not initially appear to be amenable to economic reasoning.
Law, Corruption, and Government Oversight
This course focuses on the role of oversight in defending the integrity of public institutions against corruption and promoting the values of good government, including the rule of law, transparency, and accountability.
Law Office Externship Placement and Seminar
This externship experience is comprised of an externship placement with a mentor attorney at a law office and a co-requisite seminar.
Law, Public Policy, and Social Change
This course covers legal history and how lawyers are involved in social change.
Law Review Executive Board I and II
This course is reserved for members of the Law Review Executive Board.
Law Review Member I and II
This course is reserved for members of Law Review.
Law Review Staff Editor I and II
This course is reserved for staff editors of Law Review.
Legal Journalism
This course provides students with the opportunity to write and publish news articles and commentary on current legal issues.
Legal Practice I
This course integrates the teaching of legal reasoning and analysis, predictive legal writing, and legal research and problem solving with other lawyering skills, such as fact analysis and client interviewing.