This course focuses on developing an understanding of the law, the legal process, our system of government, and effective citizenship.
Tax Litigation Seminar
This course examines strategic, jurisdictional, and procedural issues arising in tax litigation.
Tax of Property Transactions: General Topics
This course examines the federal income tax consequences of sales, exchanges, and other dispositions of property and the fundamental tax issues presented by these transactions.
Tax of Property Transactions: Intangibles
This course covers business and tax issues arising from transactions involving intellectual property.
Tax Procedure and Tax Practice
This course examines the administration and enforcement of the federal tax laws.
Tax Research and Writing Seminar – J.D.
This writing and research course is a bridge to practice for students interested in becoming proficient in tax research and writing, the foundations of tax practice.
Tax Research and Writing Seminar – LL.M.
This course focuses on tax research methods and technologies as well as analysis and writing.
Taxation of Banks and Financial Institutions
This course provides a practical and comprehensive foundation in the taxation of multinational banks and financial institutions operating in the United States.
The Art of Cross-Examination
This experiential course will teach students the fundamentals of cross-examination and introduce
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
This course focuses on the legal system and its therapeutic impact on mentally disabled individuals who are litigants or the subject of litigation.