This course teaches students the principles involved in drafting regulations and legislation, and incorporating policy-making into drafting.
Drafting: Litigation
This course provides students with a basic understanding of drafting various types of litigation documents, such as motions, discovery requests, and trial memos.
Drafting: Real Estate Documents
This writing and research course focuses on real estate law and practice and teaches students to draft documents used in commercial real estate transactions.
Editing Legal Writing
This course teaches the necessary skills to edit legal writing and create a final product that is clear, precise, and effective.
Education Law and Policy
This course focuses on the intersection of public schools, K-12 educational policy, and the law, exploring the crucial role education plays in sustaining a democratic society.
Education Law and Practice
Students in this project-based learning course will provide legal services to the Charter High School for Law and Social Justice, a law-focused charter high school founded by the New York Law School Justice Action Center.
Education Law Clinic
In the Education Law Clinic, students are trained to practice education law in New York City at various firms and nonprofit agencies, under the supervision of civil rights and education law attorneys who are NYLS adjunct faculty.
Elections Redistricting and Voting Rights
This course will explore a broad swath of voting rights law. In coverage of reapportionment, redistricting, the census, racial vote dilution, and partisan gerrymandering, students will build on concepts of federal jurisprudence of reapportionment and redistricting, including the core constitutional doctrines, the Voting Rights Act, census issues, and the landmark cases that govern the redistricting process.
Elder Law and Aging in America
This is a survey course covering a broad range of subjects relating to problems of aging and persons with disabilities, including demographics and economics of aging and disability as well as social policy and political trends.
Elder Law Clinic: Planning for Aging, Illness, and Special Needs
In this clinic, students will assist clients with estate planning, adult guardianships, and/or needs-based public benefits, and work in partnership with community members to provide education and develop advocacy related to the issues of aging, illness, and special needs.