In this placement, students will learn how to conduct factual and legal analysis, draft pleadings, and represent clients in securities arbitration proceedings before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority under the supervision of experienced attorneys.
Special Education Law and Practice
This course examines the history, legal framework, and application of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
State and Local Government
This course surveys the major legal and governmental issues of state and local government, emphasizing historical antecedents and current problems.
State and Local Taxation
This course provides an overview of state and local taxation.
Tax Litigation Seminar
This course examines strategic, jurisdictional, and procedural issues arising in tax litigation.
The Art of Cross-Examination
This experiential course will teach students the fundamentals of cross-examination and introduce
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
This course focuses on the legal system and its therapeutic impact on mentally disabled individuals who are litigants or the subject of litigation.
Torts II
This course studies various substantive areas of tort liability.
Trial Advocacy
This course provides focused study and practical training in the overall skill of conducting a jury trial.
Veterans Justice Clinic
The course provides students with the opportunity to offer legal assistance to low-income veterans in New York City, while gaining a range of legal skills under the supervision of experienced attorneys.