This course explores the role of the federal courts in the federal system, integrating study of constitutional provisions and the realities of federal court practice.
Federal Income Tax: Corporate
This upper-level, substantive course focuses on the laws, regulations, and policies impacting formation, operation, and dissolution of corporate entities.
Federal Income Tax: Individual
This upper-level course is an intensive introduction to the basic principles of federal income taxation and of statutory construction.
Federal Income Tax: Partnership
This upper-level, substantive course focuses on the laws, regulations, and policies that impact the formation, operation, and dissolution of partnerships.
Federal Income Tax: Trusts and Estates
This course focuses on Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code and introduces students to the rules that govern the income taxation of trusts and estates and their beneficiaries.
Federal Wealth Transfer Tax: Basic
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of the federal estate, gift, and generation-skipping taxes.
Finding Your Purpose
This course introduces students to a framework for identifying their individual strengths, motivations, values, and interests, and understanding how these intersect with their professional identity.
Free to Be Youth Project Legal Clinic (LGBTQ)
The Free to Be Youth Project Legal Clinic (LGBTQ) in partnership with the Free to Be Youth Project (FYP) of the Urban Justice Center is a one-semester clinic open to 2Ls and 3Ls.
The Global Employee: Business Immigration Specialized Externship
With this placement, students will meet once every other week in a specialized seminar focusing on the limits on U.S. business in employment of foreign nationals.
Gun Safety Legislative Advocacy Clinic
This course immerses students in the policy work of the nation’s largest gun violence prevention organization, exposing them to the legislative lawyer’s work of bill drafting and analysis, effective communication, and coalition-building.