This course introduces the theory and practice of international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration.
International Business Transactions
This course covers international sales of goods and services, cross-border transfers of intellectual property, foreign direct investment, and international settlement of disputes.
International Tax Planning Seminar
This course focuses on current topics and new developments in international tax planning.
Judicial Externship Placement and Seminar
This course includes a placement with a federal judge or a state court judge in New York City or surrounding jurisdictions with a related seminar.
Juvenile Delinquency
This course covers the historical, philosophical and legal foundations of the U.S. juvenile court system and its operation.
Juvenile Rights Law Clinic
Under the supervision of experienced faculty, students fully engage all facets of client-centered juvenile practice. Together with a multidisciplinary team, students represent children in child welfare matters filed in Manhattan Family Court.
Labor Relations Law
This course examines the legal and regulatory framework governing relationships between private-sector employers and their employees engaged in collective action.
Land Use Regulation
This course covers the jurisprudence, regulations, and policies related to the use of land in the U.S.
Landlord and Tenant Law
This course examines the relationship between the landlord and the tenant.
Law and Economics
Law and economics is one of the most influential schools of thought in modern law. The ideas propounded by the economic analysis of law are gaining increasing traction in court decisions and in legal policy. This course will examine the major contributions of law and economics in contract, tort, and property, as well as in other areas of law that may not initially appear to be amenable to economic reasoning.