This course provides an overview of the legal framework and business concerns related to a real estate transaction.
State and Local Government
This course surveys the major legal and governmental issues of state and local government, emphasizing historical antecedents and current problems.
State and Local Taxation
This course provides an overview of state and local taxation.
Tax Research and Writing Seminar – J.D.
This writing and research course is a bridge to practice for students interested in becoming proficient in tax research and writing, the foundations of tax practice.
Wall Street Specialized Externship in Business and Financial Services
This externship course serves as an opportunity for upper-level students to gain practical experience within the business and financial services industry.
Wills and Trusts in Practice
Wills and Trusts in Practice is an experiential course in which students learn the basics of wills and trusts by working through two to three extended simulations.
Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests
This course deals with the laws and practice associated with the disposition of property under state statutes of succession and by will.