Under the supervision of experienced faculty, students fully engage all facets of client-centered juvenile practice. Together with a multidisciplinary team, students represent children in child welfare matters filed in Manhattan Family Court.
Law Office Externship Placement and Seminar
This externship experience is comprised of an externship placement with a mentor attorney at a law office and a co-requisite seminar.
Law, Public Policy, and Social Change
This course covers legal history and how lawyers are involved in social change.
Legal Research: Labor and Employment Law
This course helps students refine research skills, learn shortcuts, and develop cost-effective research strategies for employment and labor law-related projects.
Legal Research: Practical Skills
This course focuses on methods for researching case law, constitutional law, statutes, and regulations in federal and state jurisdictions.
Legal Research: Skills for the Digital World
This course introduces students to advanced legal research techniques using both the latest computer technology and book resources.
Legislative Advocacy Clinic – New York Civil Liberties Union
This clinic challenges students to conceptualize, plan, and implement a campaign to pass social justice legislation in the New York City Council.
Media Law
This course focuses on legal issues facing the media, including defamation, privacy, access to courts and legal materials, news-gathering torts, and prior restraints.
Memo and Brief Writing
This writing and research course is designed for students who are interested in improving their memo and brief writing skills.
Mental Disability and Criminal Law
This course explores the relationship between mental disability and the criminal trial process.