In this year-long clinic, students will engage in impact litigation and other forms of legal and strategic policy advocacy to advance the cause of social justice.
Civil Rights Law
This course provides students with a deep analysis of the statutes, case law, and policies related to civil rights in the United States by examining federal civil rights laws and the provision that creates a federal cause of action to remedy violations of rights.
Commercial Law
A substantive foundational course that deals with the laws, regulations, and policies governing commercial transactions. This is one of the four upper-level gateway courses of which all students are required to complete two or three for graduation.
Community Public Legal Education
In this course, students will teach classes in a community setting for individuals experiencing homelessness many of whom identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community (Ali Forney Center
and/or Streetworks).
and/or Streetworks).
Complex Litigation
This is a course on litigation tactics and strategies designed to teach students to think like practicing attorneys seeking to maximize their client’s litigation position.
Congressional Consumer and Civil Justice Clinic
In this upper-level clinical course, students will work with the Center for Justice and Democracy to learn the critical role that litigation plays in protecting consumer and citizen health and safety, and to learn and apply the skills of public policy advocacy.
Conservation Law and Policy Clinic
In this clinical course, students work with The Nature Conservancy for hands-on experience with the laws, regulations, and underlying policy related to real estate and land conservation issues.
Constitutional and Civil Rights Issues in Public Education
This upper-level, substantive education law course examines how the U.S. Constitution has shaped public education and students’ and parents’ rights.
Constitutional History: Supremacy/Nullification
The course gives students a comprehensive history of federalism and state’s rights as they examine the U.S. constitutional plan, hammered out in military and political confrontations, judicial opinions, and Presidential proclamations.
Constitutional Law, Advanced: Law and Democracy
This seminar course explores the constitutional issues raised by elections and voting, covering several major topics, including the right to vote, voter identification requirements, and reapportionment.