Students in this project-based learning course will provide legal services to the Charter High School for Law and Social Justice, a law-focused charter high school founded by the New York Law School Justice Action Center.
Entrepreneurship for Social Change
This course considers how lawyers can use non-litigation approaches to effect change through organizing, community development, and generally through the creation of new institutions.
European Union Business Law
This project-based learning course focuses on a major transaction that recently occurred in the European Union that resulted in antitrust litigation.
Family Law
This substantive, foundational course deals with the laws, regulations, and policies impacting the family and its relationship to the government.
Federal Courts/Federal System
This course explores the role of the federal courts in the federal system, integrating study of constitutional provisions and the realities of federal court practice.
The Global Employee: Business Immigration Specialized Externship
With this placement, students will meet once every other week in a specialized seminar focusing on the limits on U.S. business in employment of foreign nationals.
Gun Safety Legislative Advocacy Clinic
This course immerses students in the policy work of the nation’s largest gun violence prevention organization, exposing them to the legislative lawyer’s work of bill drafting and analysis, effective communication, and coalition-building.
Health Care Law and Policy
This course surveys the federal and state laws that regulate healthcare in the United States and examines the complex legal relationships involving patients, health care providers, insurers, and regulatory agencies.
Immigration Law
This course examines legal rules and administrative procedures that define U.S. citizenship, permanent residence, non-immigrant categories, and refugee status.
Immigration Law and Litigation Clinic
In this clinic, students will be trained to screen and represent juveniles before the Executive Office of Immigration Review.