This course gives students the opportunity to develop pre-trial litigation skills.
Pro Bono Scholars Program
Students in the Program spend their final semester engaged in full-time representation of those individuals who cannot afford legal representation—gaining valuable lawyering skills while assisting those in need.
Refugee and Asylum Law
This course covers the regulations, statutes, international treaties, and case law related to refugee and asylum law.
Sexuality and the Law
This course examines the struggle for equal participation in society by sexual minorities.
State and Local Legislation: Substance, Process, and Politics
This course teaches the principles involved in drafting legislation and regulations and incorporating policymaking into drafting.
The Art of Cross-Examination
This experiential course will teach students the fundamentals of cross-examination and introduce
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
them to the purpose and context of cross-examination in trials.
Transitional/Global Justice Network
This course involves the management of an International Law website and the underlying research and writing activities to further the goals of the Transitional/Global Justice Network.
Trial Advocacy
This course provides focused study and practical training in the overall skill of conducting a jury trial.
Visual Persuasion in the Law
This upper-level interdisciplinary course explores how new digital technologies are altering how lawyers communicate and argue. The final exam is a take home paper; alternatively, students may elect to collaborate on producing a short law-related film.
Wilf Impact Center Capstone
Wilf Impact Center affiliates will participate in a year-long written research project with practical application with practicing attorneys and Wilf Impact Center faculty.