This clinic provides the opportunity for upper-level students to represent entrepreneurs who cannot afford expensive counsel before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Sports Law
This course examines a variety of areas of law on the sports industry and its actors.
State and Local Legislation: Substance, Process, and Politics
This course teaches the principles involved in drafting legislation and regulations and incorporating policymaking into drafting.
Tax of Property Transactions: Intangibles
This course covers business and tax issues arising from transactions involving intellectual property.
Torts II
This course studies various substantive areas of tort liability.
Trademarks and Unfair Competition
This course provides an overview of trademarks and the legal framework for regulating unfair competition.
Trial Advocacy
This course provides focused study and practical training in the overall skill of conducting a jury trial.
Visual Persuasion in the Law
This upper-level interdisciplinary course explores how new digital technologies are altering how lawyers communicate and argue. The final exam is a take home paper; alternatively, students may elect to collaborate on producing a short law-related film.
Wall Street Specialized Externship in Business and Financial Services
This externship course serves as an opportunity for upper-level students to gain practical experience within the business and financial services industry.
Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests
This course deals with the laws and practice associated with the disposition of property under state statutes of succession and by will.