This course combines substantive legal content related to legal technology (including electronic discovery) and its use in practice as well as simulations introducing students to the practical application of the technology.
Litigating Copyright and Trademark Cases
This course provides students with the opportunity to experience the pre-trial steps in a copyright and trademark litigation in federal court.
Media Law
This course focuses on legal issues facing the media, including defamation, privacy, access to courts and legal materials, news-gathering torts, and prior restraints.
Memo and Brief Writing
This writing and research course is designed for students who are interested in improving their memo and brief writing skills.
Mindful Lawyering
This course introduces students to the practice of mindfulness in the legal profession and will offer techniques for incorporating mindfulness principles in practice.
The Mini-M.B.A. is a five-day program that aims to present a coherent framework of inter-related and inter-dependent concepts essential for in-house counsel positions.
Patent Law
An introduction to patent law, this course is foundational for those students interested in pursuing the area further.
Patent Law Clinic
This clinical course provides students doctrinal instruction and hands-on experience working with entrepreneurs and practicing patent law before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Patent Litigation
This course provides an overview in the basic milestones of and strategy for patent litigation.
Post-Data Breach Litigation and Counseling
This course gives students the opportunity to experience the pre-trial steps that occur in the event of a data breach.