Cyberharassment Clinic
The Cyberharassment Clinic provides an unprecedented opportunity for 2L and 3L day and 3L and 4L evening students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn under the direct supervision of a faculty member and experienced practitioner. The Cyberharassment Clinic is the first and only law school clinic representing clients in this space. Clinic students will work in teams to handle all elements of representing clients in online harassment litigation, from client intake and cease-and-desist letters to take-down notices and internet intermediary negotiations to trial and even impact litigation. Students will engage in fact investigations, conduct interviews of clients, locate and interview witnesses, communicate with internet platforms if applicable, and negotiate with websites. Students will develop legal arguments and draft affidavits and memoranda of law in support of pre-trial motions. Students may also have the opportunity to go to trial. In addition to the case work, students will attend an hour-and-forty minute seminar once weekly. The seminar will involve discussions about the cases, instruction on relevant law, procedure and evidence, as well as examination of policy issues related to online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn.
This clinic is comprised of two co-requisite courses—a two credit seminar and a two credit fieldwork experience. Students should expect to devote a minimum of 16 hours per week to the clinic, including the fieldwork and the seminar.
Approved for the Experiential Learning Requirement. Enrollment is limited. Registration is binding. Application and interview are required, and the application can be found in Student Resources on the NYLS Portal.
Recommended for the Following Professional Pathways: Civil Rights/Civil Liberties; Criminal Prosecution; Tech/Privacy; General Practice – Litigation/Dispute Resolution
Suggested Courses: Information Privacy Law or Internet Law
8 Credits: Full Year Course
Fall: 4 credits
Spring: 4 credits