(Lunch Talk) The Impact of Using Algorithmic Tools in the Judiciary

March 2024

thu07marAll Day(Lunch Talk) The Impact of Using Algorithmic Tools in the Judiciary

Event Details

Thursday, March 7, 2024

12:45 p.m.–1:45 p.m.
Lunch will be provided to those who register.

This event is for the NYLS community only. Outside visitors will not be admitted.


Judicial systems around the world are increasingly using algorithmic tools to enhance their efficiency and facilitate a wide range of tasks. But without adequate oversight and accountability comes the risk that such tools can negatively affect individual rights, judicial impartiality, and separation of powers, among other rule-of-law principles. Moreover, the very nature of the act of judging, and the normative value we attach to it, can be impacted, too.

In her talk, Nathalie Smuha — a legal scholar and philosopher at the
KU Leuven Faculty of Law (Belgium) and currently an Emile Noël Fellow in the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice at New York University Law School — will examine these concerns.