Carol A. Buckler
Professor of Law, Emerita

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Harvard, J.D. 1982 cum laude; Yale, B.A. 1978 cum laude
Carol Buckler came to New York Law School in 1991 to teach in the clinical program. At the School, she has served as Interim Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Dean for Professional Development, Director of Pro Bono Initiatives and Director of the Center for Professional Values and Practice.
The daughter of a certified public accountant, Professor Buckler gained an early respect for the professional ethic, a code that she turned into a career specialty while still a junior litigator. After graduating from Yale University and Harvard Law School, she began her legal career at Berle Kass & Case, a small Manhattan firm that emphasized public interest work. Assigned to research a question about a possible conflict of interest, she soon became the house expert on ethics.
Professor Buckler is co-author of the workplace reference book, Everything a Working Mother Needs to Know About Pregnancy Rights, Maternity Leave, and Making Her Career Work for Her.
Professor Buckler has also co-chaired the Statewide Law School Access to Justice Council 2012-2014 and served on the New York County Lawyers Association Task Force on Professionalism and Ethics Institute, the American Civil Liberties Union Privacy Committee, and the New York City Bar Association Civil Rights Committee.
She is a member of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar.
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