Meryl Fiedler Lieberman ’81
Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Law
NYLS Board of Trustees Member

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New York Law School, J.D. 1981 magna cum laude
City College of New York, B.A. magna cum laude
Meryl Fiedler Lieberman ’81 is a founding and managing partner emerita of Traub Lieberman, a nationallyrecognized law firm specializing in insurance coverage litigation, civil defense, professional liability and commercial liability. Since the firm's inception in 1996 until her recent retirement, she chaired the firm's complex insurance coverage practice and shepherded the firm's growth from four lawyers to nearly 100 lawyers in 18 service areas. For over 40 years, she litigated major coverage disputes in state and federal courts nationwide involving products liability, environmental law and toxic tort, catastrophic injury, workplace accidents, advertising injury, construction defect, bad faith and extra-contractual issues, representing domestic and international insurers in high profile and large exposure matters.
Professor Lieberman is a trustee of New York Law School where she also serves on the Executive, the Academic Affairs, and the Budget and Finance Committees of the Board of Trustees. She is a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at NYLS and Chair of the litigation section of the Venable Summer Simulation program, innovating a first-of-its-kind law firm simulation experience. She also developed curriculum for the School's pioneering insurance law course.
As a law student, she was one of only 50 nationwide accepted into the pilot class of Urban Legal Studies, a six-year B.A./J.D. joint degree program with City College of New York and New York Law School, where she graduated magna cum laude in 1981 and served as a research editor of the Law Review.
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