Michelle Zierler
Professor of Legal Writing
Faculty Publisher, New York Law School Law Review

Contact Information
T 212.431.2330
E michelle.zierler@nyls.edu
New York University School of Law, J.D.; Yeshiva University, B.A.
Before joining New York Law School in 2008, Michelle Zierler was an entertainment attorney. She worked in the business and legal affairs departments of Miramax Films, Cablevision, Playboy Entertainment, and Canal+ in Paris.
Since 2010, Professor Zierler has served as the Director of the Program in Law and Journalism, and edited Legal As She Is Spoke (LASIS), a blog written by the students of NYLS. In its annual Top Legal Blogs issue, the American Bar Association (ABA) Journal has recognized LASIS as one of the world’s top “blawgs,” for the past two years.
Between graduation from Stern College for Women (Yeshiva University) with a B.A. in English Literature and starting law school, Professor Zierler was a journalist, reporting on the business side of the television and movie industries for international publications. She has moderated entertainment law panels at industry events and Harvard University and is a graduate of New York University School of Law.
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