This upper-level, substantive course focuses on the laws, regulations, and policies impacting formation, operation, and dissolution of corporate entities.
Federal Income Tax: Individual
This upper-level course is an intensive introduction to the basic principles of federal income taxation and of statutory construction.
Federal Income Tax: Partnership
This upper-level, substantive course focuses on the laws, regulations, and policies that impact the formation, operation, and dissolution of partnerships.
Financial Institutions
This course will provide an overview of the structure, operations, and regulation of U.S. and global financial institutions.
Financial Services Field Placement and Seminar
This experiential workshop and seminar are co-requisite courses introducing students to experts in the financial services industry and a variety of current legal, business, and regulatory issues.
The In-House Counsel Experience: A Skills and Simulation Seminar
This seminar will serve as an introduction to the work of in-house counsel, preparing students to thrive in in-house roles.
Introduction to FinTech Law
This course explores the legal, regulatory, and policy issues associated with technologies disrupting the financial services industry.
Litigating Damages: Liability and Insurance in Practice
This upper-level seminar will introduce students to the principles of insurance law nationwide, with an emphasis on New York and New Jersey practice.
Mergers and Acquisitions
This course considers the substance, form, and mechanics of corporate mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations.
The Mini-M.B.A. is a five-day program that aims to present a coherent framework of inter-related and inter-dependent concepts essential for in-house counsel positions.