The Cyberharassment Clinic provides an unprecedented opportunity for 2L and 3L day and 3L and 4L evening students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn under the direct supervision of a faculty member and experienced practitioner.
Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
This course introduces students to the investigation and prosecution of “cybercrime” cases—cases in which criminals use computers to steal, cheat, or otherwise cause damage.
Entertainment Law
This course analyzes the types of contracts and agreements used in various sectors of the entertainment industry, including contracts covering motion picture and television packaging.
Fashion Law and Technology
This course explores the interplay between emerging technologies in the fashion arena and the law, covering all forms of existing wearable tech as well as recent technological advances in the fashion industry.
Fashion Law Practicum
This upper-level skills course focuses on legal and business concerns faced by attorneys representing fashion companies as their general counsel or external counsel.
Information Privacy Law
This course focuses on the legislation, regulations, public policy, and case law related to how people share and/or hide personal information.
Intellectual Property
This course provides a survey of general principles of copyright, patent, and trademark law.
Intellectual Property Licensing and Drafting
This course provides an intensive and comprehensive study of intellectual property licensing and related contract drafting issues.
Litigating Copyright and Trademark Cases
This course provides students with the opportunity to experience the pre-trial steps in a copyright and trademark litigation in federal court.
Media Law
This course focuses on legal issues facing the media, including defamation, privacy, access to courts and legal materials, news-gathering torts, and prior restraints.