James Tricarico Jr. Institute for the Business of Law and In-House Counsel

Launched in February 2021, the Tricarico Institute provides best-in-class business, legal, and technology skills training to current and aspiring in-house counsel. Its programming also seeks to advance greater diversity in these roles.

James Tricarico Jr. Institute for the Business of Law and In-House Counsel

The Tricarico Institute provides best-in-class business, legal, and technology skills training to current and aspiring in-house counsel.

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Through the James Tricarico Jr. Institute for the Business of Law and In-House Counsel, New York Law School aims to serve as the preeminent thought leader and training center for law students and in-house practitioners. With a deep commitment to NYLS’s vast alumni network and the broader in-house legal community, the Tricarico Institute will focus on professional excellence, integrity, and innovative lawyer leadership.

Made possible by a substantial gift from distinguished alumnus James Tricarico Jr. ’77, the Tricarico Institute is a community for law students and lawyers with diverse educational, professional, and lived experiences to develop and refine their legal knowledge, skill sets, and expertise with the deployment of innovative technologies and networks to thrive as 21st century in-house professionals.

Professor Michael Pastor is the Institute's Director.

Setting the Foundation for In-house Success of NYLS Students

Our comprehensive curriculum places emphasis on experiential learning and hands-on field work. Through active outreach to NYLS alumni in in-house positions and the promotion of the Institute’s work more broadly, the Institute works to identify externship and internship opportunities for students in corporate settings, government settings, and nonprofit settings, such as the hospital sector.

The Institute offers specialized pre-professional programming for future in-house counsel.

The Tricarico Institute as a Preeminent Thought Leader and Training Center

The Tricarico Institute is a high-caliber forum for members of the in-house community to come together to engage, learn, and grow. The Institutes programming and engagement with the in-house community aims to support excellence not just at the School but in the broader profession.

A Force for Positive Organizational Change

The Tricarico Institute will work to break down barriers to access for students of color and first-generation law graduates and train future in-house leaders who will carry the mantles of equity and fairness.

Apply to Join

All NYLS students are welcome to apply to join the Institute as affiliates. Affiliates must meet curricular and extracurricular requirements, found in the Student Resources on the NYLS Portal. Students may not join or transfer to the Institute during their final semester of law school.

Apply to join the Institute.

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James Tricarico Jr. Institute for the Business of Law and In-House Counsel  •  T 212.431.2145  •  TricaricoInstitute@nyls.edu